Ladyc743 Pick3DoubleTrapStrategy
The key to Nailing Doubles & Triples in the Pick 3
Proof of Winning Hit$
Helping You Step by Step...The Power of Winning Pick 3 the Key is to WAIT FOR IT$$$ Winning Examples system will show you how to win on Doubles & Triples off of certain numbers that will Trigger them$$$ You will be provided with a chart of all One in the same numbers that can produce doubles & triples. I will also give you a breakdown of all consecutive numbers that will produce doubles & triples. It is a very simple method that can help you nail and win on doubles and triples in your state. I will also provide you with a free Excel lottery bible for purchasing my system. The lottery bible works well on when even numbers and triples hit, if a triple or even number hits plug in the number and it will give you potential numbers to play. The lottery Bible is also good if you have pairs plug in a few of your last winning numbers and see if any off the potential numbers are asscoiated with the pairs. Example if your pairs are 28, and 36 and you plug in a few of your last winning numbers and the lottery bible gives you 386, 926, 326, 829, 874, 963, 852, 951 and 927 since I am looking for 28 829 and 852 would be potential plays. Same with 36 pair 386, 326 and 963 would be potential plays just giving you some input what the Excel Lottery bible is about. Don't miss out on how to WIN on doubles and triples....Easy Money$$$$
Ladyc743 Pick3DoubleTrapStrategy is committed to helping you have the best gaming experience possible, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for don’t hesitate to reach out.

Winner 114 Double was off of 149 Won 750.00
July 14, 2017
Winner 883 Double was off of 835 Won 830.00
July 18, 2017

Winner 272  Double was off of 720 Won 500.00
October 31, 2017
Winner 888 Was off of 384 Won $1000
March 1, 2019

Winner 001 Double off of 150 or 610Â Won $330
March 20, 2019
The Power of Winning Pick 3 the Key is to WAIT FOR IT$$$
Proof of Winning Hit$
Helping You Step by Step...The Power of Winning Pick 3 the Key is to WAIT FOR IT$$$ Winning Examples system will show you how to win on Doubles & Triples off of certain numbers that will Trigger them$$$

Winner 338 Double was off of 398 Won 330.00
May 12, 2018
Winner 112 Double was off of 251 Won 2150.00
June 23, 2018 Eve Draw
Winner 110 Double was off of 041 Won 3210.00
June 23, 2018 Night Draw
The Power of Winning Pick 3 the Key is to WAIT FOR IT$$$